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Job Cost & Billing Module

STRUCTURECloud’s Job Cost & Billing module helps you monitor and analyze the costs of every job in your company.

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All the details in one place

The Job Cost and Billing module in STRUCTURECloud allows you to view all significant details of each job as well as summarize and compare costs to the budget.

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Develop or import your budget

You can import a budget from one of the many third-party estimating programs that seamlessly integrate with STRUCTURECloud or you can develop your own budget in dollars, hours or units, by cost code and cost type.

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Forecast your cashflow

Utilize the extensive Cash Flow Projection feature that allows you to forecast all pending cash in and out on all of your jobs. With this you will be able to determine any cash shortfalls that might require additional borrowing.

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Change Orders Made Easy

STRUCTURECloud’s ability to handle job change orders is what separates it from others. Create change order proposals and organize them by date, job or customer. Combine change orders and list them on a statement. Create your change order proposals in a variety of formats, or customize your bills and statements yourself on the fly. Once approved, add them to the AIA with one click.


The simplest way to protect your data

We realize you might want to control who can do what. With STRUCTURECloud you can limit access to sensitive job and financial information to specific users. 

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The job cost and billing module offers a wide array of standard inquiries and reports, including:

  • Open Jobs

  • Work in Progress

  • Category Budget

  • Detail Costs

  • Job Summary

  • Tool Locater

  • Stock Slips

  • Workers’ Comp

  • Field Report Worksheet

  • Change Order Analysis

  • AIA G701, AIA G702, & AIA G703

  • T&M and Unit Price Bills

  • Project Manager Reports

  • Production Tracking Reporting

STRUCTURECloud construction accounting software can help commercial contractors manage their business.


Learn More about STRUCTURECloud

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Project Management

The perfect solution to control your entire project in one place, from one screen


WorkForce Scheduling

Schedule the necessary resources for all upcoming projects

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Customer Support

Industry-leading training, product support located in Weymouth, MA



A customized plan that fits your business with live training sessions & support

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Experience The Best in Contractor Accounting Software.

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