Today I’d like to speak to you about our Positive Pay Program. According to the 2014 AFP Payments Fraud and Control Survey, conducted by J.P. Morgan Chase, 82% of organizations affected by payments fraud report that checks were targeted. Among organizations suffering a financial loss due to payments fraud, the typical loss was $23,100.
It is important that you keep your business finances safe. C/F Data Systems wants to help you do just that with our Positive Pay program.
Positive Pay provides you with protection against check fraud. The program will create a file of your daily checks written from Accounts Payable or Payroll that you can send directly to your bank. When a check is presented to the bank for cashing, it can be verified through the file created. The file verifies the check number and/or amount was not altered. For more infomration about our Positive Pay Program contact us at 781-337-9900 or email info@cfdatasystems.com